Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What's Your Mission?

Easter Sunday was a HUGE day at The Church on Rush Creek. Nearly 4k people were in attendance between the two campuses…which means that a ridiculous number of people got to hear the gospel. If truth be told, to tell the story of the empty tomb without sharing the good news of the salvation it brings is to miss the whole point. Jesus didn’t die so that he could perform some David Blaine-esq magic resurrection trick that would leave people talking for 2000 years. He died so that we might have life in spite of our sin. To put it mildly, this is cause for tremendous eternal celebration.

That’s why it is frustrating to me that for many followers of Jesus…it’s a once a year celebration. It’s an Easter thing. Yet, Jesus is just as risen today, the Tuesday following Easter, as He was two days ago. He hasn’t changed in these two days…salvation hasn’t changed. His call to you to tell His story with your life and your words has not changed either. So, why the loss of enthusiasm? Why the feeling of being glad Easter is over so that things can get back to “normal?” What if the spirit of celebration over the empty tomb was the new normal for you? What if you lived a life that strived for the wonder and awe of Easter everyday?

I hear a lot of Christians talk about being on mission for Jesus, yet, I’m not sure everyone knows what their mission is. If you are in the military, the mission is never vague. It’s well planned…well understood…well executed. Also, every individual is critical to the fulfillment of the mission. That includes you. Do you wake up with a sense of purpose and urgency that you have something to accomplish in this life for the glory of God? Do you know that your mission is?

To be honest, I doubt your mission is all that different from mine or the other people in your small group or any other Christians for that matter. The mission may be accomplished in different ways, at different times or in different places, but it is still the same charge…letting the world know that there is a Savior who died that we might live. So, who are you telling about Jesus, and what are you saying about Him? Remember the adage “actions speak louder than words?”…that totally applies here. Trying to answer the question, “What does my life say about Jesus?” has been revolutionary for me. It’s changed the way I try to present myself to others; it’s changed the amount of thought I put into my words and motives. It’s made me think…how well do I really represent the King I claim to represent?

Out of the 4k people at Rush Creek this past Sunday, many were lost…or extremely far from God. While they can use a great worship service, some inspiring music, a good book or Bible-based preaching…what these people really need is the Church…YOU. They need individuals who can pull up alongside them and actually show them what it looks like to be a follower of Jesus. Someone who will labor in prayer for them and go out of their way to show them love and grace. They need the people whom Jesus has appointed to tell His story in His absence. They need you.

Who are you on mission for? The guy in the cubicle next to you? The lady in your spin class? A family member? Yes, invite them to church, but don’t JUST invite them to church. Be the church. Be the hands and feet of Jesus to them. Set some goals as well. For example, “My goal this week is to have at least one spiritual conversation with Rick in accounting where the name of Jesus comes up.” Now, go make that happen. What are you goals? Who are you on mission for? Remember, even after Jesus came out of the grave, He still had one more thing to say to His followers:

Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted. And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." Matthew 28:16-20 (ESV)

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